Module 5

Overview | Module 5

Welcome to Module 5 | Product Delivery.

This module will focus on synthesizing and polishing the results from the previous modules. Participants will finalize the three Earth System Data Science products developed in the previous module and focus on effectively communicating their work. A key skill developed in this module will be how to communicate technical subject matter to non-technical audiences, with this module's capstone project being a highly polished team presentation for a non-technical audience.

Specifically, this module will focus on integrating skills developed through the rest of the course.

By the end of this module, you will be familiar with and conversant in the following:

  • Principles of Scientific Communication
  • FAIR Data Sharing
  • Scientific Storytelling
  • Best practices for production coding

Specifically by the end of this module, you will have accomplished the following:

  • Completed the Earth Systems Data Science in the Cloud Course
  • Peer reviewed code for analytics pipelines
  • Communicated the results of your work to a non-technical audience
  • Connected the results of your work to scientific insights
  • Presented your work to a wide range of technical and non-technical stakeholders